Sunday, December 14, 2008

Broadband Performance Test

Doing A Broadband Performance Test

Whether you are a home user or a corporate windows administrator the first thing you do when you get a new broadband internet connection is run a broadband performance test. A broadband performance test will give you an idea of whether or not your intenet connection is number one set up properly and number two getting the performance that you expect. The best thing about running a broadband performance test is that generally speaking they are very easy to do and completely free. The only things that you need to run a broadband performance test is a computer that is tied into the connection you want to test, Flash version 8 or higher installed, and a web browser. There are other obvious includes in this like the operating system, the computer, monitor etcetera, but I do not have to go into those.

How To Run Your Broadband Performance Test

There are many different places you can go to do your broadband performance test but I prefer to use They have a host of free tools and have been around since the inception of broadband performance tests, and quite possibly were the first that was used by a large audience. They make the tests easy to run and are generally up twenty four seven.

Once you get to their website you simply need to go to the tools sections and click on the speed test link. This will bring up a window with a host of servers that are available for you to use. Simply select the server that is closest to you. The reason for this is that the one that is closest to you will give you the most reliable information back. Using a server that is farther away will give bring other factors into the mix that may affect your results. By staying as close as possible you are able to keep those to minimum.

Now that the server has been selected the test will run. It should come back with your download and upload speeds. The upload should be less then the download unless you are in a corporate environment and are running a great many web servers. Check to see those values are within what you are paying for. If so, you should be all set and ready to surf the web. Many people have no clue how easy a broadband performance test is to run, but now that you know you can do it for yourself or simply impress your friends.

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